fREedOm To eXprEss

Political…cultural… social…. heritage…expressions…

Mexican artists have a way of expression… 

A picture expresses it “ALL”. A unique medium to visually connect to our audience, though open to one’s interpretation… I have always thought was the painter thinking when they painted this canvas… can I imagine through someone’s color, strokes, textures, figures… or does it have a different meaning for my sensibilities… can we even transfer our thoughts or influence our audience or we merely try to prove their thinking… Food for thought.

What’s shapes our mind to associate the forms to imagination… is it based on what am I exposed to or does the same art mean/appeal different things to me at different time or mind space… nevertheless I love to challenge myself and my imagination…. The creative mind and the artists heart in me….

Walking around the streets of Mexico city, Guadalajara, n other towns I came across vibrant and diverse “Street Art” scene that reflects the country’s rich cultural heritage, social issues, and artistic expression. It serves as a powerful form of public expression that can shape perceptions, provoke thought, and inspire change. … came across murals and graffiti that incorporated elements from Aztec, Maya, and other indigenous civilizations…. art addressed to political and social issues, including corruption, inequality, human rights, and environmental concerns…. art in vibrant colors celebrating life and death… 

Street art is a dynamic and ever-evolving form of expression that leaves a lasting impression on the cultural landscape. During my evening walks came across the stunning murals, many of which were created by famous artists like Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros, and Jose Clemente Orozco. These artists have used their work to provoke thought, spark conversations, and call for change.

Solitary urban walks became thoughtful and I was able to transcend beyond the urban hustle and bustle and get lost in the words of…. Sounds of silence.. ten thousand people, maybe more, people talking without speaking, people hearing without listening, in restless dreams I walked alone, narrow streets of cobblestone… lost in my silence… trying to interpret the artists thoughts.. and feel with my imagination…

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