eNLiGhtENed M i….

Well visit to Bodh Gaya and meditating for the first time in life…. well did I feel something different… or am just imagining???

The MahaBodhi tree syndrome… illusion of being enlightened.. having said that it was indeed a time to ponder and self introspect in the open in that freezing winter morning sitting under the tree and loosing sense of time…. Gradually time lost its grip on me, and I existed in a state of timeless awareness.

Questions fleeting through mind…. the pitfalls of attachment, even to the idea of “enlightenment”… a paradoxical notion—seeking liberation from the very concept of seeking. Could it be that my quest for enlightenment was, in itself, a form of attachment or was it all an ILLUSION?

As the morning sun rose higher in the sky, I was gradually emerging from my meditation with a newfound clarity. I may not have attained the enlightenment I had sought, but I had gained a deeper understanding of the nature of my own mind and the impermanence of all things…..

With a sense of gratitude and renewed purpose, I rose from my seat beneath the Bodhi Tree, knowing that the path to enlightenment was not a destination but a lifelong journey — one that would be marked by moments of insight, moments of illusion, and, above all, moments of profound self-introspection.

Well I thought of sPREading my hORizon….

Timelessness…. under endless branches… I opened the mind to the endless ideas of time…. Its interesting to stand under the tree and reflect how small our ideas are and how small our world isI couldn’t help but ponder how we, as a species, had a tendency to magnify our problems and preoccupations…We were prone to focus on what we lacked rather than appreciating the abundance that surrounded us.. wish we can be like these trees and try to reach the top and also shade the ones below us…. Let’s share our experiences with the people we have met along the way who shaped our minds and defined our life…. The world may be small, but our capacity to make it better was limitless… The Tree, with its timeless presence, reminded me that our actions, however small, could ripple through time, leaving an enduring legacy of kindness and compassion….

hmm after all I might have been a little transformed that morning….

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