
Hello Dear Readers……

Penning down thoughts and memories from numerous experiences which helped shaped my life and broadened my perspective and made me think are we just mere players in the broad landscape/canvas know as our world….

In the pages of my blog, I’ve embarked on a journey through landscapes both familiar and foreign, each step etching memories that are now imprinted in my soul. It’s more than just recounting destinations; it’s about unraveling the stories hidden in the corners of the world and within the depths of my heart.

With each new place I explored, I discovered the incredible mystery of human culture and nature. The world became a classroom, and every encounter was a lesson. From bustling city streets to serene mountain vistas, I collected experiences like a kid collecting shells on beach… all shapes, colors and forms.

Yet, this memoir isn’t just about places; it’s a canvas painted with emotions. It’s about the exhilaration of standing on the edge of a cliff, feeling the wind in my hair and the world at my feet. It’s about the warmth of shared laughter and the depth of conversations with strangers who became friends in the span of a conversation, a cup of a coffee, a glass of a wine….

In these posts, you’ll find the raw beauty of a sunset over the ocean, the silent contemplation in ancient ruins, the flavors of street food that awakened my senses, the extravaganza of luxury and the solitude of starry nights in remote wilderness. It’s a collection of moments that define the human spirit’s un-quenching curiosity and passion to push the boundaries.

Through my musings, I aim to transport you to those very moments, to make you feel the rush of adrenaline, the serenity of solitude, and the magic of discovery. I hope you’ll find inspiration to embark on your own adventures, to explore this vast world and the depths of your own soul.

So, dear readers, as you flip through these moments/moods of time, hope that you can transcend the physical boundaries and lead your heart to write your own stories. For it’s in the act of exploration that we truly discover ourselves.