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‘BUDDHA, DHARMA, SANGHA’ The Three Jewels, also called the Three Treasures, Precious Triad, or most commonly the Triple Gem Pali: Tiratana are the three things that Buddhists take refuge in, and look toward for guidance, taking refuge in the teacher “BUDDHA” who discovered the path to liberation from suffering…. “DHARMA” means accepting these teachings as a guide for living a life… “SANGHA” oining this spiritual community for support, guidance, and the opportunity..

Had an amazing experience visiting this world heritage site at Bodh Gaya… a little known place for the non-Buddhists… though frequented by foreign tourist for all over the world… the city is full of interesting monasteries and meditation centers…Mahabodhi Vihar, a UNESCO World Heritage Site built by Ashoka around 260BCE, the temple compound had a vibe of its own…

The site contains a descendant of the Bodhi Tree under which Buddha gained enlightenment…. meditation under the Bodhi tree bought in an un-explainable inner connect and a surreal experience in the early hours of the morning… never felt the freezing temperatures…

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